2023 – Aspirations

Going over the 2020MAXX and associated year end reviews, I see a lot of patterns regarding projections and plans. It is enjoyable / interesting that the frame changes in every post and I think that I am going to keep that trend going with this one.

Overall, I feel as if things are continuing to trend upwards. A lot of things exist in my life that I have been blessed with and find continued gratitude for. Problems exist, but life is all about trading in your problems for slightly more desirable ones.

Creation is something that I continue to pursue and should delegate more time in the pursuit of. From learning to play music, writing, editing videos, shooting videos, and making graphics – it appears that I have more ideas than I have time. Especially given the fact that I am learning a lot of this as I go. The best advice that becomes a mantra is the 80/20 rule and it’s application within creation. What is life but a teacher?

Professionally, I have some things that I would love to learn to advance my career. I am still passionate about learning more within IT. I built my current computer in pursuit of playing with some of the latest and greatest AI / ML advancements that will run on a 30xx series NVIDIA GPU. Automation is something that fascinates me and I have learned a bit of it using autohotkey over the past year and I seek to learn a lot more specifically within video editing / color grading.

One of the most useful things that I seek to continue doing is my voice memos / recordings to myself. I enjoy writing in a journal to a point but I think that ultimately, I actually dislike the tone of my writing more than the tone of my own voice. This may be something that is additionally contrarian as most people really don’t enjoy the sound of their own voice.  I think that this is something that may be learned or potentially a lack of self confidence? I think that something is often overlooked from audio as a medium. If someone likes to listen to audio books why wouldn’t they listen to their own voice? Enjoyment notwithstanding, I had to watch meeting recordings of myself for many hours in order to reach the point where I don’t mind my own voice. Exercise and steps continue being an easy win or a system that fills the tank early most days. I should continue to work on language but with as many things as I am trying to learn at once, language has sort of fallen to the back burner.

One thing that comes to mind that I can work on is digital organization. Having multiple computers and many terabytes of data makes this not only something that should be prioritized but something that should be essential to keeping work life and time balanced when I spend a considerable amount of time using these systems. Hopefully by the end of the year, I will have better home network infrastructure with some sort of a storage appliance.

Overall, 2023 should be the best year yet and I look forward to hopefully not proving myself wrong on that.



