Category: pondering
January 2023 – 8% down and 92% to go
The year is off to a great start, Uncertainty looms but high hopes remain. Have been retaining a good amount of work / life balance. I have remained mindful and even saw a friend passing through town. Exercise has stayed regular and I seek to continue this trend. I think I am going to really…
2023 – Aspirations
Going over the 2020MAXX and associated year end reviews, I see a lot of patterns regarding projections and plans. It is enjoyable / interesting that the frame changes in every post and I think that I am going to keep that trend going with this one. Overall, I feel as if things are continuing to…
2022 – Year in Review
Professionally Things have continued as planned through work. I look forward to pursuing new opportunities and technologies. Personally My previously scheduled race got cancelled due to work obligations. I have rescheduled it to take place in February of 2023. Passions Continued learning about things that I am passionate about as well as diving deeper into…
2021 – Year in Review
For some reason I thought that I had started this draft somewhere and maybe I did but here I am at 6:02pm PST on 12/31/21 typing the first line. I am adding the finishing touches to this on 1/1. 2021 was a great year with a lot of improvements, a lot of firsts and a…
January 2021 – Creating Systems for Success, Satisfaction and Stillness.
Remember 2020 MAXX? Feel old yet? Here is a quote from me on the year that was two thousand and twenty, “… Interestingly enough, If I can survive what… a full year of this? psychological torture? I think that I can get through anything.” As with every year I was able to cross a small…
2020MAXX 2019 has come to a close and it was one heck of a ride. This is going to be a mostly stream of consciousness post with little to no structure. So if you’re into that sort of thing continue reading, If else skip to the bottom for some fun little tidbits.
Hi, It is 4 months into 2019 and despite not posting here I have been trying to keep a semi-regular writing schedule but don’t really have anything that is worth posting here at this point in time. I have transitioned to a new role working from home as of early last month and I have…
DNS After Death
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical decentralized naming system for computers, services, or other resources connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities. Most prominently, it translates more readily memorized domain names to the numerical IP addresses needed for…
Distributed social networking using old protocols
We live in a very interesting time, a time in which we have access to more information than ever and the ability to broadcast a message or information to more people than ever. This comes with a laundry list of pros but something that has always been confusing to me has been that the web…