Category: projects
NAS Build
Subtext: “One More Computer Will Fix Me” The Journey The idea for building my own home network server has been building over time. For as long as I can recall, the idea of having a home based storage appliance has called out to me as being something to eventually pursue. The exact factors that brought…
iPod Video 5.5g DIY Refurb
10 years ago a gift was given to me and it was the 5th generation iPod Video 30GB. This music player stayed with me for around 4-5 years of use prior to getting an iPod Touch. Conversely the iPod touch only got around 2 years of use prior to smart phones replacing music players at…
HomeLab Migration
Last episode on lab work I fixed networking issues, this can be found here. This is what my “completed” lab looks like that I do testing with at work, the network can be interpreted pretty easily but if I remember I am going to include a network diagram of sorts for this as some might…
This is a little bit of an offshoot from my normal posts and rather is an idea for a program of sorts that would be a quantification of how time is spent at a computer for better or for worse. This would help identify patterns and provide a single page overview of how a day…